All children and young people are entitled to a happy, healthy, and safe learning environment.

We have developed strict guidelines for everyone in our organisation which clearly outline expected behaviour to ensure our commitment to this.

Our Core Values

Kindness. Inclusion. Empowerment. Growth

In a way that is appropriate for their age, children MUST:

  • Uphold our values of Kindness, Inclusion, Empowerment and Growth.

  • Demonstrate respect for teachers, parents, staff, and other families always.

  • Serve as a role model to younger dancers and ensure appropriate language and behaviour that aligns with our core values.

  • Respect that teacher decisions are final with regard to student class level selection.

  • Attend class regularly unless ill or injured, or in the event of a family emergency.

  • Honour prior commitments made to the studio by attending classes, rehearsals, and performances above other social events.

  • Wear the correct uniform and dance shoes and bring a clearly named bottle of water to every class.

  • Present to class in a tidy and well-groomed manner with hair tied back neatly off the face. Ballet buns are required for all ballet classes.

  • Arrive on time for classes and rehearsals, noting that late arrivals are disruptive to the teacher and other students.

  • Report any incidents of bullying or abuse immediately to a staff member or trusted adult.

  • Proactively communicate with us if you have any issues or concerns that may impact your experience, or the experience of others, at the studio by speaking to a staff member or trusted adult or by placing written feedback in the box at reception.

  • Stay home from dance class if you are unwell or injured but attend class to watch if able.

  • Ensure equipment and studio facilities are respected and treated with care.

  • Show commitment and positivity while working to the best of your own ability.

  • Communicate with your teacher if you have an injury, illness or personal circumstance that may affect your effort.

  • Bring valuable items into the studio but leave large bags and jackets in the changing rooms.

  • Switch mobile phones to silent mode and do not use them during class.

  • Take care of your belongings and regularly check the lost property for personal items.

In a way that is appropriate for their age, children MUST NOT:

  • Directly contact staff via personal email, text, phone or social media for any studio-related communication. Platforms managed directly by Dance Habit (e.g. Band) or where deemed necessary (e.g. a late private lesson cancellation), are acceptable.

  • Dance while injured or sick.

  • Take photos or videos of classes, or other students, without prior permission. There is to be no photography or video of any kind in changing rooms.

  • Share any video footage of classes or choreography on social media.

  • Enter any of the dance studios without a teacher or staff member unless a formal booking has been pre-arranged.

  • Yell, threaten, speak in an abusive tone, or use indecent language toward any other person.

  • Engage in any conversation about age, weight, body image, ability, race, ethnicity, gender, or sexuality, in a way that may potentially harm, offend or create discomfort for others.

  • Express critical or negative viewpoints in relation to Dance Habit staff or activities in a way that creates a toxic and unhealthy environment.

  • Touch another person in an aggressive or abusive way.

  • Behave in a competitive manner within or outside of the studio, including on social media platforms.

Disciplinary actions

  • Inappropriate, disrespectful, aggressive or racist behaviour will not be tolerated and may result in immediate termination or dismissal.

  • A breach of this Code of Conduct will result in one written warning. Further breaches may result in immediate termination of enrolment with no refund or further discussion.

For the benefit of all Dance Habit families, cooperation is appreciated


Complaints & Reporting Procedure


Code of Conduct (Adult Students)