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Medal Tests

  • Dance Habit 15 White Street Maribyrnong, VIC, 3032 Australia (map)

Every year, students in Prep to Grade 6 are invited to participate in a medal test (internal examination/grading) for each of their classes.

  • Medal tests are not compulsory but we strongly encourage participation as it is a wonderful experience and gives students the opportunity to feel a sense of pride in their achievements. It is also a great way to track progress and receive feedback from an external dance professional. Not to mention that they've all been working hard on class content in preparation for them!

  • We ensure Medal Tests are run appropriately according to the age group. Junior Medal Tests (Prep to Grade 2) are no different to a class environment except that we have a guest in the room and the students wear a number so our guest can identify them. Senior Medal Tests (Grade 3-6) are a little more formal but it is still a relaxed and supportive approach.

  • Medal Test participants are invited to a special Prize giving, which is scheduled for Saturday 14 September. Students will be presented their medals, certificates and feedback on a report card. Additional awards are also presented on this day.



  • Medal Tests will be held between 5 and 15 August 2024.

  • Your child's Medal Test will be completed on the same day as their regular class, however, most are required at a different time to their scheduled weekly lesson.

  • Medal Tests replace your child’s regular class on that day.

  • If your child is in a larger class, they will be allocated GROUP 1 or GROUP 2.

  • Important note: students who choose not to participate will not be permitted to attend their regular class if it is being run as a Medal Test. Refunds are not provided, but make up classes are available and can be used at any time outside of the Medal Test period (5-15 August) . Medal Test fees are non-refundable once paid. If a student is unwell and unable to attend, a credit will be provided on receipt of a Medical Certificate.


Participation fees are as follows and cover our external examiner charges, additional staffing, medals, certificates, report cards and prizegiving venue hire.

  • $35 per Medal Test for Juniors (Prep to Grade 2)

  • $40 per Medal Test for Seniors (Grade 3-6).  


Students must arrive 15 minutes prior to their scheduled medal test. This is with the exception of those who have a 4pm time - you can arrive at 4pm as we have allowed some wriggle room to avoid any after-school rush for you. We need participants to arrive early so we can check uniforms and hair, place numbers on students and ensure smooth running of the timetable for all classes. Late arrivals will not be permitted entry and fees are non-refundable.

If you are unable to attend, please contact us at least 24 hours beforehand.


Students must wear their class uniform for medal tests and be groomed immaculately so they take pride in their appearance.

Ballet buns are compulsory for all ballet students and hair must be tied back neatly off the face for all other classes. We suggest ballet buns for jazz and tap students with long hair. Uniform information is available here.

You can find a Ballet bun demonstration here, so you have plenty of time to practice. If you need assistance on the day, we can help you. Please note, however, that you will need to bring your own equipment – hairbrush, hair elastic, bun pins, bobby pins and hairnet.


Students will be assessed and graded. Our grading system has five key assessment areas for each genre of dance. Each student will be given a final grade of ACHIEVED, ACHIEVED PLUS, MERIT, MERIT PLUS or EXCELLENCE (in outstanding cases only), which will be written on their report card and certificate presented to the student with their medal at prizegiving.


A prizegiving for all medal test participants will be held on Saturday 14 September at the RecWest, corner Market and Essex Streets, West Footscray. All medal test participants are invited up on stage to receive their report card, certificate and medal.

We encourage students to invite their family and friends to share in this happy occasion and don’t forget your camera!

Additional awards and trophies are presented to outstanding students, as selected by our examiner/s for each genre/style of dance. Awards for (1) Most Improved (2) Most Versatile and (3) The Dance Habit Award (for effort and attitude) are also presented to students in both the junior and senior school following consultation between Dance Habit teachers and the examiner/s.


Medal tests have proven to be an incredibly positive experience for school-age students and our number one reason for running them is to build happy, confident kids! Just wait until you see the pride and joy on all those faces at prizegiving (and yes, that means the mums and dads, grandmas and grandpas, too)!


Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions regarding Medal Tests or prize-giving. We are looking forward to another great year of Medal Tests. Have fun everyone!

9 July

School Holiday Program

18 August

Preschool Concert 2024